IOQM 2023 Blueberry Mock Two

7 August 20231 minutesviews

This article contains spoilers for the mock test.

I recommend attempting the problems before proceeding to read the article. You can download the problems and the answer key using the buttons below.

This is the sixth IOQM Mock test from MOMC. The problems are mostly collected from CMIMC 2018, with one problem each from BMT 2022 and AMC 8 2023. All the credit and authorship of the problems belongs to their respective sources.

I was quite busy the last two weeks due to Pravega Enumeration and TOEFL. Pravega turned out quite well for me as we (Me and Malay, my teammate) did 6 computational and 3 subjective problems. I believe we have a reasonable chance of making the finals. Apart from that, the TOEFL wasn't too bad either. I am hoping for ~110/120 but you never know how strict they are in the speaking or writing section's grading.

Here are the CODS ratings for this mock:
