MOMC Season 3 Applications Open

16 July 20244 minutesviews

The Math Olympiad Mock Club (MOMC) applications are now open! MOMC is the official discussion group for the blog's mock tests and the primary hub for IOQM preparation. The club is about learning and growth and not just competition. Our warm community welcomes people of all skill levels. Whether you're a seasoned competitor or just starting your math journey, MOMC offers a space for you to develop your skills and passion for mathematics, completely free of charge.

The application process consists of a single problem and is designed to be inclusive rather than competitive. There's no cap on the number of participants we'll admit. Our goal is to welcome anyone who is committed to preparing for and tackling the IOQM. Don't worry if you're new to math competitions – MOMC is the perfect place to start, providing necessary support and resources to help you succeed.

Applying early is highly advantageous as we admit participants on a rolling basis, with no fixed deadline. This approach was chosen due to the IOQM being just 6 weeks away, and we want to ensure you have ample time for preparation.

We've kept the application concise to encourage as many enthusiasts as possible to apply. There is no application or participation fee. Click here to submit your application.


Describe your favourite math contest problem. It could be a problem from an IOQM mock test or a subjective Olympiad like INMO or USAMO. Consider discussing:

Note: Your response need not exceed one page. Both handwritten and LaTeX\LaTeX submissions are equally acceptable. If submitting a handwritten answer, please scan and convert it to PDF format before submission. A PDF version of the application problem can be found here. Best of luck! We look forward to welcoming you to the Math Olympiad Mock Club community.

How will MOMC help with my IOQM preparation?

Hear directly from our MOMC alumni about their experiences and how the club helped them succeed in IOQM:

"The MOMC community consists of some of the best students in Olympiad mathematics. Each mock was discussed in a dedicated space, covering topics such as difficulty level, tips for selecting problems, and time management, with input from both staff and students. Above all, the community's unconditional support, regardless of how I performed in the mocks, made MOMC a wonderful server to be a part of." — Pranjal Jha, Cleared IOQM & RMO 2023

"The community at MOMC played a big role in my preparation. They motivated me whenever I felt demotivated and also provided healthy competition which always inspired me to do better. It gave me an idea of how well prepared I was. In the end, I got a high score in IOQM which motivated me and the momentum from that carried me all the way forward to IMOTC, so I would thank MOMC for my success." — Aarav Gupta, INMO Awardee 2024

"The best part of the MOMC community for me was being able to discuss the mock problems (and other problems too!) with the whole community and the motivation to do the problems really helps! ... Definitely recommended to everyone, and thanks a lot to MOMC." — Krishiv Khandelwal, INMO Awardee 2024

"... Seeing others' scores and having friendly competition with my friends motivated me to do better in mocks. I kept seeing my performance improve with every mock, and finally I got a pretty high score in IOQM. I recommend everyone to join MOMC as this will be a platform where you can not only discuss mocks, but also learn from others and your own mistakes!" — Atharva Sutar, Cleared IOQM & RMO 2023