IOQM 2024 Donut Mock Four

3 August 20242 minutesviews

This article contains spoilers for the mock test.

I recommend attempting the problems before proceeding to read the article. You can download the problems and the answer key using the buttons below.

This is the fourth IOQM Mock test from MOMC Season 3! The problems for this test are taken from ARML 2018 and HMMT 2014 February and November. All credit and authorship of the problems belong to their respective sources.

I'd like to thank those who brought some answer-key discrepancies to my attention over the past couple of weeks. These have now been fixed. If you spot any such errors in the future, please feel free to email me at

Before we dive into the mock test discussion, I want to remind you that MOMC Applications are still open and will remain so until the RMO. However, applying early is highly recommended since we review applications on a rolling basis. You can access the application here. Additionally, please make sure to complete this brief form regarding the mock test. You can view the results here.

This mock test is an enhanced version of one of my Season 1 mocks. I've adjusted the difficulty by downgrading most 5-markers to 3-markers. While this might sound daunting, I assure you it's simply to align better with the actual test difficulty. The 5 markers in the mock feature some non-standard geometry, plenty of combinatorics, and mixed algebra and number theory problems, reflecting recent IOQM trends.

Don't worry though — this mock is still beginner-friendly! It includes many straightforward problems (P1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, and 14) that don't require much theory. All of these problems can be solved with enough patience, and earn you a respectable score of 17.

These are the CODS difficulty ratings for the 5 mark problems:


I apologise for the recent lack of mock tests. I’ve been swamped with my studies lately. I hope this one makes up for the wait! Stay tuned — I'll be back soon with a new delicacy!