IOQM 2024 Espresso Mock Two

25 August 20242 minutesviews

This article contains spoilers for the mock test.

I recommend attempting the problems before proceeding to read the article. You can download the problems and the answer key using the buttons below.

This is the sixth IOQM Mock test from MOMC Season 3! The problems for this test are taken from SMT 2018 and 2019, CIME I and II 2018 , BMT 2018 and HMMT February 2017. All credit and authorship of the problems belong to their respective sources. You can find all the solutions within these contests.

Before our brief discussion, I would like to remind you that joining the MOMC community is just a short and simple application away. You can find more information here. Also, please take a moment to fill out this quick form regarding this mock test. If you're interested, you can find the results here.

As you might have observed, this mock takes problems from many different sources. I hope you enjoy this rich variety of problems! Like the previous mock, this one also starts off with a moderately challenging set of 2-marker problems. Interestingly, P2 was actually a 5 marker in one of my season 1 mock tests! The 3-markers also feature many interesting problems such as P14, which resembles a past IOQM problem (PRMO 2019 P13). The 5 markers of this mock are a lot more wordy than usual. This makes the task of problem selection significantly longer as it takes a lot of time to parse each problem.

These are the CODS difficulty ratings for the 5 mark problems:


As IOQM is approaching, most people probably won't have the time to go through every mock on this site. I recommend going through them as untimed practice. Or better, practice problems from the sources directly. Whatever approach you choose, stay focused and keep practicing. I'll catch you in the next one!